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rockin' 14th live. 010696 ed. shopaholic addict. weird is my second name. ;D

Alien language.


QuarterMaster CheerHolic

Aunston Camryn ChenWen ChiuFeng Eshin HuiWen HweeLing Lydia NicoleJS Teressa TzeDonn TzeWei VoonHao Wearniee WengOnn Wenn YanFay YiYun YuPyn YuWen


Big eyes.

May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
June 2010
July 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011


Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 6:12 PM
QM activity. cheer practice.

went for QM activity this morning,
reach there 7.15am. i was sleeping in the car. :z
suddenly dad woke me up. i was like what?
he say reach liao.
[looking to the clock and got shocked.]
that activity starts on 8.30am. omg.
then go down saw michelle. chat.
and then go to another michelle, sheney, and a dunno what name. chat again.
then go to xin ann there. chat again. xD
chat chat chat. reach time liao.
when go in they say late liao. i was like wth? its only 8.30 sharp.
whatever lah.
then go play.
im in root 3-group 6. cam with group 5 they all together.
group 6-yong xuan, me, chen sheng, hao yi.
group 5-hui wen, cheryl, tick him, jian wei.
we help each other.

find d. she ask us separate orange and strawberry sugus.
then met some devils.
the punish us do somethings. singing and sort lah.
one task met 2 or 3 devils. walao.

2nd task.
find the game master.
ans: KIM HEAN.
find the whole school.
asked wai kin, wai yong, kah sing...
wai yong keep running. LOL.
need us go catch.
then found kim hean.
he run oso. damn tiring.
then finally caaught him.
then he say congratz.
then call us go rachel's place.

3rd task.
DIP IN THE WORM task. :x
everyone need to take a worm for 5 secs.
then take 4 marbles out from the box.
when i see damn scary weih.
then hui wen group take first.
HUI WEN take the first.
then jian wei, tick him dare to take.
then cheryl cry, coz she dun dare to take.
then tick him help.
then our group.
chen sheng take first.
then i take.
the worm squiggly one. damn disgusting weih.
then take liao.
feel nothing.
abit powder-ish.
then yong xuan dun dare to take.
then hao yi take liao.
then same situation.
chen sheng help take all.
yong xuan say: CHEN SHENG  ni hen MAN ah!
then rachel ask us to go to find sue may.

4th task.
quite easy lah.
we were actually winning.
then lost by few seconds.
nvm lah.
then kena devil again.
keep kena those devils.
the devils ask girls to act cute. guys act sexy and hot. wth?
then after that they ask us go tze wei's place.

5th task.
drink vegetable juice.
which including: ginger, garlic, onion, bitter gourd...and seriously alot more.
ewww.gross.ewww.omigosh lah. x_x
i drank a mouthful and feel like vomitting.
then go there wash hand.
when they are not looking.
i secretly throw it out from my mouth then throw it into the longkang.
then wash mouth with water.
keep on rinsing.
after that saw devil again.
aiyo zhen yuan can u dont keep on following us ar.
everytime kena him d.
he ask us do erm. the cat stretch or sumthing.
u bend down then open ur legs then come up with a stretch.
something like dat lah.
then they call us go next task.

6th task.
we knew its tze wei.
coz her ribbon is special.
she tie it on her hair and the others tie it on their hands.
then she keep on denying.
but then times up.
go back QM room.

then bla bla bla.
dismiss liao go cheer practice.
do toss.
i toss nellie. :P
coach was there.
she say me and wai swan basing good. [shiok sendiri.]
then do do do.
then go home.

end of post.

Friday, October 30, 2009 - 11:35 PM
walking on the streets.

from now on my post should be in facts format. shorter. fun.

 1.today in school nothing to do.
 2.walk walk talk talk play play.
 3.reading twenties girl. quite interesting.
 4.Lydia's crush said hi to LYDIA! haha
 5.yuenyang acting like a noob today during recess. laugh till stomach ache.  :x
 6.today qm meeting prez. angry dao siao.
 7.talk about camp things in meeting. think its fun.
 8.got qm activity tomorrow. gonna miss cheer practice. aww.  :[
 9.KOR got crush on a girl. cant guess who is it. :x  :p
10.congratz to eunice yap zhuo han of become-ing an official pengawas of 1B1. did'nt saw the
     installation so dont know how yeng is it.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 11:28 PM
Facts. Again.

1.im blogging again.
2.smiled, laughed, singed, pissed....
3.chia loon got pissed by teressa yesterday. urrgghhh.
4.thank god he never scold me.
5.tomorrow ganti duti.  :[
6.siowkitloong never come today.lols.
7.marilyn borrowed me her book name: Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella.
8.my KOR joining KRS, LAS wor..LOL. i see wan join LAS anot.
9.in school everyday go toilet. alot times. everytinme go walk walk with teressa and lydia.
10.still <3 him, teressa and lydia.
11.banged into him. x_x
12.today cheer practice till siao.
13.seniors all chiong us.
14.she keep on think she very big wor. keep say us. onself not good dont teach lah.
15.ying ye says she is perasan queen, i say im king.
16.muscle aching now. tomorrow will no more. those who have, drink more protein. x_x
17.house no more protein d...seii loh.
18.today in skul earned 16 bucks. 4 from tedrick, though he still owes me rm1.10.
19.12bucks from MSSD. ]
20.today fucking pissed by them. but not those two bxtches. the others. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - 11:30 PM
Dummy Facts

 1.although we have freedom, it has eventually turned into boredom, but heck ya' its still
 2.boring days in school but its FUN.
 3.eewenn brought pokers.
 4.siowkitloong have a blog. migosh, cant u believe it? link
 5.i saw this two fxcking perasan-ed bxtches personal messages and blog. being a
    perasan people. think that ** **** you both? ahaha, WRONG!
 6.i <3 teressa and lydia. haha
 7.they both make me saw hi to him but then they failed. haha
 8.i see him everyday but im still not satisfied.
 9.i still miss him everyday.
10. i saw myself on PLURK's PAGE. lol...wth?!?

11.Mann borrowed me a story book but he wants me to finish it by tomorrow and tell him stories. roflmao...
12.i PASSED my BM paper!! omigosh!!! i love cik ngan!
13.if we never got cik ngan as a BM teacher, quarter of my class BM marks will be this.

14.Teressa got an A for geography! wth?
15.altogether know-ed 9 results. 1 failed. stupiak pn. giam.
16.marks altogether total 586 only.. teressa got 587...wth again?
17.Sivik FOLIO got 49.50 marks!! woots. highest in the class.
18.i'll be writing this untill 20. haha
19.hmm..what to write leh?
20.oh yeah. gotta go. bye.

- 10:23 AM
re-edited 6P photos.

i want us all to be together forever, no matter what. we are the best class ever.


Sunday, October 25, 2009 - 6:48 PM
6P-iians photo OUT!

click the photo to enlarge.
this is a photo of 48 students in 6P of SJK(C) YUK CHAI.
we will always be together forever.
not forgetting her of course.

click the photo to enlarge.
the sexy woman.
and this.

click the photo to enlarge.
and this.

click the photo to enlarge.
i love it.
and i surely wont forget this.

click the photo to enlarge.
do you people still remember this?
[zomg..look at the HOT anthony!!]

Saturday, October 24, 2009 - 12:28 PM
Exam Results=FEAR

So, here are the results.

Maths: 70, B
Geography: 38/60 objektif
Chinese: Dont know.
Science: 60, C
BM: 20/40 objektif
Sejarah: FAIL. 48 [no eye see.]
English: 34/40 objektif.
KH: 72, B
Moral: 74, B

haiz. thats all.
at least better than last term alot.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 - 10:09 PM

yes. as i said.
i screwed my exam.
sad. *sigh*
i hate pn. giam.
i feel like wants to slapping her
i failed my sejarah paper by one mark, one bloody fcking mark!
nevermind. its over anyway. cant be changed.

for moral.
congratz to me.
i improved alot.
from rank D to rank B.
believed or not?
yes. its true.

as for english paper 1.
i wronged 6 questions.
so that means its 34 questions correct.
who is so genius.
he got 1!! its bloody 1 question wrong!
can u believe it?
sometimes he even asks me questions in english!

the okay-ish paper.
i got 22 correct.
dont think im gonna fail this.
but i wont get any better.
at least i wont fail lah.

Sunday, October 18, 2009 - 4:53 PM
Cheer Party was AWESOME!

went for cheer party yesterday.
FUN enough!
poolside...actually not lah.
it was in the pool.
shiok tio kau kau.
pictures here.
there are hundreds of them ,
better get them in facebook okay?
i BE-ed A FLYER!!!
it was quite fun lah.
quite scary too.
do-ed single leg and elevator.
more on facebook.
erm. camera quality no good.
so...u know.


[heel stretch]

[shoulder stand]

[three floating erm..dead bodies?]

sexy back.
[from left: me, nellie, zhi ying, emelia, amelia, amylia, joohi, dimple, shiyi.]
so many LIAs'

[erm..shoulder sitting elevator?]

[bong dai giok?]

[me doing elevator]

[doing single leg]

[emelia flyin.]

[zhi ying flyin']


Saturday, October 17, 2009 - 2:15 PM
We have Freedom, but we have boredom too.

while we are having freedom,
boredom came too,
we still have freedom at last,
while others are having exam,
and their studying like super duper hyper uber RAJIN.
we are here shaking legs.
just another short post.

there is this marathon running coming up on November 1,
if anyone is interested,
can ask me,
the fee is RM18,
for the T-shirt and a POT,
the POT is for dunno wat d lah...
well, if you wanna go,
get them from me if you give the money.
Its probably in the morning lah...
further information,
text me or email me or ask me in school or watever.

Thursday, October 15, 2009 - 11:59 PM


today was the last days of finals. good
eewenn and kitloong kena caught by sohai tiah,
actually they asking time oni mah...the sohai tiah go catch them,
make tio they both oso cry,
siowkitloong cry that time very cute.
no lah..pity them weih!
then B.I boring like hell, 10 min. then finish liao.
thenn recess time,
went to library with teressa and szedey,
saw him on the way,
some funny things happened.
when library,
keep laughing,
then saw KOR,
he never choi me,
keep talk talk talk with tian sheng,
then ring liao go back class,
on the way saw him again,
then went class do revision,
kitloong, jun keat damn pro,
kitloong damn pro in sejarah,
he teach me leh,
become my sifu liao,
then sejarah exam was boring like hell,
we tiru like hell too during noor farah's period.
last last week shioker,
end of school,
splashed suet wei like hell,
whole body wet wet.
then went home.
thats all.
off to sleep.

- 9:38 AM
Last Day Of EXAMS!

today is the last day of exams.
wish us luck people.
i think i screwed my previous exam so yeah gotta work hard this time.
just a short post,
gotta go.
off for studying.
[nerd mode activated.]

- 12:34 AM
Another Basketball in the morning.

[we're a couple.]
[kok soon:"Honeyyyyyyy i think you're the sexiest man alive XD."]
[quote from YuPyn.]

[yuen yang:"im so sorry quan wey we'll have to break up, i have kok soon already."]

[quan wey:"oh! i was about to tell you that too, let's break up, i have chang rong already.]

[kok soon:"im sorry yuen yang, its too late, i already have ming jie."]
[yuen yang:"what?!?! i just broke up with quan wey...T.T]

[yuen yang posing sexyly]
[yuen yang:"i know im hot(perasan).]

[chang rong using ming jie's phone.]
[chang rong:"what is this thing? why does it have numbers on it?]
[noob][just joking lah]

[quan wey:"oh no! my ball!]

[quan wey:"i believe i can fly!]

[quan wey learning yuen yang's sexy post. but he have no skills like yuen yang.]
[too bad..teehee.]

[quan wey:"hey ball. come back. here i come!]
[actually he is running away from the camera.]

[quan wey:"stupid ball! im gonna throw you away to the sky.]
[shooting the ball.]

hey peeps,
its 12 in the midnight and im blogging here.
aren't the picture's description funny? lol.
they like to pose.
we had basketball again on tuesday. means 25hours ago.
but in the morning. 730am.
it was really fun.
short description because the pictures already done the talkings.
oh yeah!
yuk chai's pro basketballer like anthony, jia quan, hoong an, andrew, adrian, fei shyuan and so so so came to that padang that day.
we ride bicycles,
there are probably almost ten bicycles there that day.
so we had a bicycle competition.
lol. [of course i lose lah...all boys wor except ying ye lah.]
then have a ride to yuen yang's house to take a look,
KOR[quan wey] is gonna slack there so went to look at his house.
ok lah...his "almari" alot of pingat leh! like me lah.(perasan).
well, thats all. bye. sleepy head.

- 12:04 AM

There is this oh-so-awsome basketball again today.
i <3 basketball. lol.
the pictures are from ying ye's blog
so yeahs. it was fun and awesome as i said.
today alot of people came.
including me,
ying ye,
yu shawn[my bro],
yuen yang,
quan wey[my big BRO],
quan ****[dont know what isit][quan wey's brother],
kok soon[the finger is so short guy]
chang rong[the noob guy][im so bad..],
and alot lot more...
Funny Situation:
1.there is this small kid, lol who is shorter than my brother who likes to talk like a bird is sooooo anoyying...and he is so funny
2.kok soon keep saying f*** and kena scolded by me lol...
3.another shortiie that is quite good in basketball said this to me whenever i wanted to take the basketball:"u see u see, everytime u take the ball sure give yuen yang d, u see u see.
i was like:"no lah, wth?! i just want to give it to those people in my group. then he keep using yuen yang's name whenever i takes the basketball.
4.kok soon teman-ed us after everyone went and bought cup mee for us from 7e, of course use our money lah.

Sunday, October 11, 2009 - 6:45 PM
Awesome edited picture.

Look at this awesome edited picture! i wanna be like that but i have lack of creativity.
This photo was edited by this featured picniker called Stacy.

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 3:05 PM
Editing pictures.

This is the only picture thats the nicest among the edited ones.

- 11:54 AM
Basketball was freaking FUN.

So here are some fugly[fucking+ugly] pictures taken by us.
i know im not pretty, don't judge.
above there was yesterday's pictures, i did not bring my camera today cause my mom took it.
well today is the nicest among all the basketball days i've went.
theres only me, ying ye, yuen yang, quan wey[big BRO], chang rong, kelvin, ming jie. i think thats all.
so little people.
nevermind. good news is. its FUN.

reached there on 8am with ying ye,
then saw yuen yang, quan wey, ming jie there playing already,
then went to play with them loh,
but then the are half gaming, so we went to the playground.
played swings lol,
me and ying ye see hu swing higher,
i swing higher lah lols.
then after that saw chang rong and kelvin,
they come and play also.
so they ask us two go play also loh,
quan wey first captain, ming jie 2nd captain,
quan wey's group: quan wey, yuen yang and me.
ming jie's group: ming jie, chang rong, kelvin and ying ye.
they got 1 more axtra guy there. but then we still win haha.
after gaming that match then ming jie, chang rong go home.
left me, ying ye, yuen yang, quan wey and kelvin.
then we rematch.
we 4 vs. yuen yang.[he too pro already lah]
then we fighting here and there,
got one time i was fighting the basketball with yuen yang then suddenly quan wey banged him,
yuen yang no balance the fall abit,
then i wanted to take the ball so i accidently banged into him and,
accidently ate his hair. yuck..
not eat lah, just like my mouth touched his hair. eww..
quan wey said: yummy anot?
ying ye: strawberry flavour d.
i say: no lah, not yummy and its not strawberry, its sweaty and smelly hair!
then all laughed.
then continue playing damn shiok lah.
dont know tomorrow got play anot.
wish got lah.